Hybrid Fitting is part of your golf bag setup. As clubs get longer, the swing plane gets flatter. This results in strike errors that are increasingly horizontal. The face design of hybrids are radiused like drivers and fairways and impart a corrective gear effect spin to heel and toe strikes. In addition, the low, rearward positioning of the center of gravity adds stability to the head and launch trajectory to the ball. The current generation of variable face thickness hybrids add ball speed across the face for more consistent distance on off-center impacts.
We fit for consistent gaps on the long end of your set with a combination of club length, loft and hot faced hybrid heads. Head shapes are matched to your skill and style. The taller, compact faced hybrids are more iron like. They have adjustable loft, are more workable and I find them more forgiving in the rough. The shallow, deeper designs play more like a fairway. The deeper design moves the center of gravity rearward making them more forgiving on off center impacts while promoting a higher launch.
The golf shaft makes a huge difference in playability of a hybrid golf club. Stock shafts are designed to get the ball up with soft tip zones. However, soft tip, high torque shafts produce monster snap hooks and inconsistent head droop when you make an aggressive swing. Our hybrid fitting shafts, selected from our extensive shaft profile knowledge, deliver the head consistently to improve your accuracy and distance.

Inverted Cone Face
Carbon Fiber Crown